Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy Constitution Day

I had off school today for Constitution Day, celebrating the Constitution of 1917. The actual anniversary is February 5th, but the holiday is now celebrated the first Monday of February. Mexico (like many countries) has had several constitutions: of 1824, 1857 and 1917 (under President Venustiano Carranza) -- still in effect.

This constitution guarantees the rights of the individual to personal freedom and forbids the practices of slavery and personal discrimination. It establishes Mexico as a unique and indivisible nation and enforces the preservation of it's multicultural heritage. It establishes the right of equal and unbiased education for all and the freedom of expression, speech and the press. Additionally, it establishes the freedom of religion, the prohibition of monopolies (what?), the protection of the rights of workers and the separation of church and state.

Mexican flag -- my photo

(Sources: and


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