Friday, August 13, 2010

First week of class

Friday I had an 8am Philosophy class. The professor told us we'll start class at 8:24 (not 8:15, not 8:30 --  8:24), which gives us a little more time, though it's still not exactly an ideal schedule. I realize that this may not seem especially early to some of you, but after watching professors, government workers, etc roll in around 9:30 or 10:00, having a 40 minute walk/metro/walk commute, and starting the rest of your classes at 10:00 or 11:00, it makes the 8:00 hour seems that much  earlier.

The class seems like it will be alright though. 

We finished early and I went with a group of classmates to track down and photocopy our reading and get some coffee.
This mural below was in the courtyard where we had coffee, outside the Faculty of Design.  I'm can't find the artist or title.

The metro wasn't working when I tried to go back to my apartment, so a classmate and I figured out which pesero (bus) to take to our apartments. Success!

I was back on campus later this afternoon. Unlike in the early morning, las islas (area shown below, literally "the islands") were packed with students!! 

I met up with two fellow Rotary Ambassadorial Scholars and our Rotarian host here in Mexico City. We went for lunch, which consisted of a chicken and vegetables soup (consomme??), rice with banana slices enchiladas verdes and agua de jamaica (hibiscus tea). There are a couple upcoming Rotary events, so it sounds like we'll start meeting the various clubs and getting involved in the near(ish) future!


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