Monday, August 23, 2010


Saturday we went to Xochimilco to celebrate Billy's birthday. Xochimilco is one of the 16 delegaciones (or boroughs -- like in NYC) in Mexico City, but it took us about an hour to get there by bus. Xochimilco means "some place with flowers" in Nahuatl.
Mexico City -- Delegacion Xochimilco highlighted(wikipedia)

We were quite the eclectic, international group representing Mexico, the US, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Austria and Switzerland and studying at UNAM and Colmex as regular and exchange students. Karen was our fearless leader and organized the day -- including renting the bus and buying/preparing all the food and drinks.

Bus ride to Xochimilco
Xochimilco is famous for its canals, which are all that remain of Lake Xochimilco. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. Once we got there, we rented one of the many, colorful trajineras (Xochimilco boats). 

Lots of food, drink, good times and good people in the Trajinera! 
Billy, me, Robert -- 2010-2011 Rotary Ambassadorial Scholars 
There were lots of trajineras with mariachi bands, who you could pay per song to be serenaded.
Mariachi band
Mariachi band serenading our trajinera
Me and Tatiana
Feliz cumple, Billy! Happy birthday! 

There were lots of trajineras/boats selling things, including flowers, food, beer, plants and more. 
Selling flowers
Beer boat, selling micheladas 

Our captain/driver for the day 
Overall, a very fun day!! 


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