Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Saturday was my dad's last day here and since I had finished all of my "chores" for the time being (translations, notary, apartment, UNAM questions answered, etc) we spent the day sightseeing.
We went over to the El Zocalo (which means "base" and is the more common name for the Plaza de la Constitucion) in the Centro Historico.
On one size of El Zocalo is the Palacio Nacional, which houses the President's office and the Federal Treasury.
Along another side of the Zocalo is the Catedral Metropolitana. It was built on top of the ruins of an Aztec temple and has been sinking unevenly since it was built.
Outside of the Catedral and Palacio Nacional we saw Aztec healers/cleansers. They had some kind of burning incense and each person to be cleansed had a plant (herbs?) that the healers touched to different parts of their body. We saw various healers throughout the area, but not as large or ornately dressed group as this one. One sign said that it healed anything from headaches to mal de ojo (evil eye) to aura.
Countdown to the bicentennial of Mexico's Independence.
Plaza de Santa Domingo, where printers work beneath the Portal de Evangelistas (as seen in background).
Iglesia de Santo Domingo.
Former monastery of San Pedro and San Pablo, now Museo de la Luz.
Templo de Nuestra Senora de Loreto, which started sinking after it was completed in 1816 and now is noticeably crooked.
Templo de Nuestra Senora de Lorto -- Compare the lines of the street, sides of the building, and door frame.
Inside the Templo de Nuestra Senora de Loreto.
Plaza outside of the church. The yellow building in the background was the first synagogue in Mexico City.
Templo Mayor. It is thought to be the spot where the Aztecs saw the symbolic eagle perched on a cactus with a snake in its beak -- the sign to build the capital (Tenochtitlan) there and today's symbol of Mexico.

Casa de los Azulejos, built in 1596.
Moving out of the Centro Historico and into Alameda is the Palacio de Bellas Artes (Palace of Fine Arts), comissioned by President Porifirio Diaz and built between 1905 and 1930.
A stop for lunch in Polanco at Brassi.
Yum! Chicken stuffed with goat cheese and vegetables, with an orange sauce and pesto.
Salmon in an orange sauce.
A cool looking building in Polanco.

Reflecting pool in Parque Rosedal in Polanco -- with remote-controlled boats to rent!
Parakeets in Parque Rosedal in Polanco.
Apartments in Polanco.
Huge flag by the Auditorio Nacional (picture doesn't do it justice!).
The Auditorio Nacional, where concerts and performances are held.
Auditorio nacional.
Labels: Alameda, Centro Historico, food, Polanco, Zocalo
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