Friday was quite the busy (productive/interesting/etc) day. I had my philosophy class in the morning (sometimes I feel so lost in that class!).
Then a friend/classmate helped me figure out the process to apply for a "beca" (scholarship/ grant/stipend). UNAM is free for students, but since the Master's and Doctorate programs expect students to be full time, there are also some scholarships available. I wasn't sure about applying, but decided to when I found out that pretty much everyone eligible applies and most students get it (at least in years past). Part of the application is online and other documents need to be scanned and compiled onto a CD.
We went to a student meeting with the new coordinators of the program. It was the first student meeting I had gone to. I'm glad a lot of the bureaucratic/organizational/communication issues were discussed, but we'll see what actually happens.
From there I went to the library for a bit to track down some books. Tracking down resources is a bit more challenging here. Lots of work due in the next few weeks and I'm going on a trip for 6 days next week!
On my way home I got my Philosophy and Letters Library card laminated -- which apparently I was already supposed to have done (oops!) and a CD for the scholarship application.
Friday evening a group of us met up in downtown Coyoacan for a friend's birthday. The downtown is all decorated and lit up in preparation for the upcoming bicentennial.