Sunday, January 30, 2011


On the 22nd I was part of a group of 17 that went SKYDIVING! We did tandem jumps -- which means the instructor/tandem partner is attached to you (and basically does all the work-- pulling the chute, landing, etc). I had never done it before and was a little nervous -- but I absolutely loved it! 

We went with a group called Skydive Mexico (, about 20 minutes outside of Cuernavaca.  

Thanks to a friend's 2 cameras and photos from my jump instructor/tandem partner, I have some awesome photos to share! 

planes used for skydiving

at Skydive Mexico. Nervous, but excited! 

a little plane on the runway

My plane buddies 

re-packing parachutes 

getting suited up 

learning what to do

practicing "the arc" 

practicing "the arc" 

plane buddies -- almost time to go!

"Pose in front of the plane like a model..." - my jump instructor 

looking confused about something

freaking out because....

...I sat next to the "door" and was nervous about falling out
of the plane before jump time! 

view from the plane 

here we go! 

chute was pulled

just floatin....


coming in for a landing

We did it! 

part of the group

skydive group 

Tequesquitengo lake

lunch by Lake Tequesquitengo

lunch group, by Lake Tequesquitengo

a wedding processional we drove by on the way back to the DF

complete with a band! 


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